Everything you want to know about DANDRUFF

Some Commonly Asked Questions About Dandruff!

  • Dandruff refers to the fine, white flakes that come off your scalp, though other symptoms include scalp itching, tightness, and even redness. The cause? A particular type of fungus that lives on the scalp (gross, but true) known as Malassezia ovalis. Some people are especially sensitive to this yeast, and that reaction can cause both inflammation and an excessive growth of skin cells. Those extra skin cells then stick together and fall off as, you guessed it, flakes. And the inevitable itchiness that can come with it doesn’t help matters, since scratching only causes more inflammation and makes matters worse.

  • Dandruff is caused due to the irritation when a germ called Malassezia globosa which is present on everyone’s scalp, breaks down sebum or the natural oil present on your scalp. If you’re scalp is sensitive to the by-product produced – and around 50% of the world’s population is – your scalp can become irritated, leading to the symptoms we know as dandruff.

  • Dandruff often starts with puberty as your hormones start to change, causing you to produce more scalp oils for the dandruff-causing fungus Malassezia globosa to thrive on.But it can also appear at other times when your hormones change such as in old age or during times of stress. Know more about dandruff causes and factors affecting its growth.

  • The easiest way to spot dandruff is flakes appearing on your shoulders, but there are other signs too including itching, redness and dry scalp.

  • The scalp tries to shed the irritant along with the skin cells. In just a few days, a dandruff sufferer can actually produce as many new cells as a healthy scalp produces in a whole month! The excess skin cells clump together and become the flakes that we recognize as dandruff. Unfortunately, when new skin cells are being produced so rapidly, they don’t have quite enough time to develop and mature properly. This means that dandruff skin has an unhealthy and more disorganized structure.

  • Dry or Hot Air: Too much hot, dry air can dry out the scalp , making dry scalp and make dandruff worse.

    Hats: Which create the perfect microclimate for the dandruff causing microbes to thrive.

    Stress: If you are already prone to Dandruff, studies show that stress might cause it to flare or appear worse.

    Pollution: pollutants in the atmosphere can damage your scalp . and Weakens your defence that will make you more prone to flare up.

  • Ketoconazole and ZPTO (Zince pyrothione) is the highest recommended anti dandruff formaulation by the dermatologists worldwide. This combination is an anti-recurrence formula, highly effective to fight the fungal organism Malassezia, which is the common reason for dandruff

  • Ketoconazole is an Antifungal – Kills fungus whereas ZPTO(Zinc Pyrithione) stops the growth of fungus and bacteria. Both are extremely efficient to fight dandruff

  • Ketoconazole is an Antifungal – Kills fungus whereas ZPTO(Zinc Pyrithione) stops the growth of fungus and bacteria. Both are extremely efficient to fight dandruff

  • Once applied properly, a combination of Ketokonazole and ZPTO Provides the protection to scalp for a period of seven days.

  • Once applied properly, a combination of Ketokonazole and ZPTO Provides the protection to scalp for a period of seven days.

  • Wet hair & scalp and apply sufficient shampoo to product enough lather. Massage for one minute and rinse with warm water to remove dirt & oils from scalp. Apply shampoo again & massage on scalp for 5 minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry. Use twice a week for 4 weeks followed by once a week to avoid recurrence of dandruff.
